Light is universally experienced, yet the quality of that experience varies greatly between different communities. EIL’s goal is to provide the lighting industry with the knowledge, framework, and skill to successfully illuminate every community in our world.

Our Programs.
At Equity in Lighting, we believe in the power of education to create a more equitable and just society. That’s why we offer multiple facets of programming, including primary and secondary programs, post-secondary professional development, research opportunities and educational programming for all ages. Our team is committed to providing our industry with the tools to successfully illuminate every community.
Our Journey.
Equity in Lighting was developed in response to the Black Lives Matter protests in June of 2020 by co-founders Lana, Francesca and Elaine. From its initial stages, EIL has tirelessly championed initiatives that open the barriers into lighting design, promote diversity in the lighting sector, and contribute to the overall well-being of communities through thoughtful design practices and tools. With each milestone, EIL continues to evolve, creating a legacy of positive impact and exemplifying the transformative potential of combining equitable lighting solutions with a community-centric approach.
Our Co-Founders
Founded in the spring of 2020 by Lana Lenar, Francesca Bastianini, and Elaine Cook.

The Baseline Survey
The first initiative of EIL was to conduct a Diversity Baseline Survey in the summer of 2020. The survey had over 350 submissions within NYC and was monumental for EIL's strategic plan to increase our community's diversity.
Over the course of 2021, we explore the data with our members to understand the barriers within our industry and ways that we can develop programming to remove them.
First Partnered Programming

February 9th, 2022 we partnered with the IES NYC Chapter to host our first of many successful programs, "Intro to Equity for Lighting Professional." We have continued to co-host and host educational programs including "Light and Skin Tone", and our series "Questions You Don't Want to Ask Out Loud."
Non-Profit Status
On August 10th, 2022, Equity in Lighting officially became a registered 501(c)(3)!

Expanded Our Board of Directors
In 2023 we welcomed Zachary, Dominique, Nirali and Austin onto our Board of Directors. Through their leadership and dedication we have a budding team of volunteers working hard at our curriculum and events. If you want to join our team, please reach out to hello@equityinlighting.org.